Tulipmania @ Gardens by the Bay


2017 Tulipmania (fifth edition) at Flower Dome (Gardens by the Bay) is indeed a floral art gallery.

Featuring two displays inspired  from one of the most well known  Dutch Post-Impressionist artist Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) who died at an early age of 37 and left behind 2,100 artworks.

His painting “The Starry Night” and a Van Gogh self-portrait have been recreated using tulips and hyacinths.


His paintings and drawings include some of the world’s best known, most popular and most expensive pieces.


Starry Night is one of the most recognized pieces of art in the world.


Come tip toe through the Tulips with me.

I am sure you will agree with me these inner flowers captivated one’s eyes.


Every Flower is a Soul Blossoming in Nature.

The entire flower show features more than 30,000 blooms, including the Darwin hybrid tulips that are hard to miss with their huge cup-shaped blooms.









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